What's the Solution?

Rev up Your Logistics and Transport Business With Solar Energy

Our expertise in solar power can help logistics and transport companies reduce costs and lower carbon footprint. We offer solutions to tackle the challenges of rising energy costs and emissions, helping businesses save and future-proof in a rapidly evolving market. Electric vehicles are the future. Get a head start and switch to solar energy now. 

  • Transitioning your manufacturing plants and facilities to renewable solar power.

  • Offset emissions through Renewable Energy Credits.

  • Encourage sustainable practices throughout your supply chain and business partners.

  • We can even help with financing the transition to renewable systems.

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TotalEnergies ENEOS Helps Logistics Industry Customers


CEVA (ex-Bollore Logistics)

With a capacity of nearly 1MW, the system generates an estimated 1.3GWh of electricity per year. Over the lifetime of the solar rooftop, Bolloré Logistics will avoid over 11,500 tons of CO2 emissions. With over 2,400 panels, the solar PV system is expected to cover 30 per cent of the building’s power needs.

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Jentec Stroage Inc.

With 527 kW of solar PV installed on two sites, Jentec Storage Inc. will gain a total of 777 MWh of renewable energy annually. This ensures the reduction of electricity costs, and also cooler temperatures with the PV panels acting as additional insulation.


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Why Choose Us

TotalEnergies ENEOS Solar Solutions

The Leading Solar Service Provider For Commercial & Industrial Businesses: diversifying your energy supply is key to enjoying stable pricing and cost savings on your business energy needs.

Unlike building your own solar power station from scratch, we provide a fully integrated no-CAPEX solution that allows you to enjoy immediate savings from your first energy bill with zero need to worry about financing or system performance.

We will handle it all. Through our economies of scale and industrialized processes, we help ensure the cost of buying, installing and the maintenance of the solar power system is kept low.

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With Our Solar Solutions

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Calcuate Your Savings 

Ever wondered how much you could save by going solar? Check out solar savings calculator.

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Start Your Decarbonization Journey

Learn how easy it is to start the journey towards decarbonization and transform your business with solar energy insights.

Read the Whitepaper
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Are you ready?

Talk to an expert on how TotalEnergies ENEOS can directly impact your business and reduce its carbon footprint today!

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Learn more with our Solar Brochure

More and more businesses across the globe are converting to solar energy – and the reasons are obvious.

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